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Too often, the circumstances in our world leave us feeling heavy and confused. Headlines read more of heartache than of helpers, and it can be incredibly overwhelming at times.

There exists a strange tension between wanting to protect children from these harsh realities, while also wanting them to be aware of the world around them.

But we can’t continue shielding children from what’s going on; instead, we need to speak honestly, approaching issues directly rather than discreetly. Little Voices Are Loud has boldly stepped into that need, creating a safe space for parents and children to talk about real things.

Little Voices Are Loud exists to teach, to empower, and to create good. We provide resources to aid in initiating meaningful conversations with children about current, sometimes complicated issues. These conversations, along with the personalized products we create, help to empower children to play an active role in making a difference.

Our signature Changemaker Box is full of practical tools to help children learn about the needs in our world today. We’ve included components for social media, suggestions on how to fundraise, an interactive map with dozens of ideas for how to do good, and much more. Each of our three boxes is designed with a different cause in mind, focusing on Peace, Equality, and Environment.

In addition, we’ve partnered with three outstanding nonprofits for this project, and have committed to donating 5% of each sale to support their work on both a local and international level. Because of this, children have a more tangible connection to to the heart of these organizations and all the good they’re doing. We’re thrilled to be teaming up with International Justice Mission, The Malala Fund, and Charity: Water for our cause-related content.

Not only can the Changemaker Boxes be used at home, but they’re a great supplement to existing classroom material, as well — helping to amplify the incredible, ongoing work you’re already doing.

Our platform encourages children in thoughtful action, and reminds them their voices have value and can be used for good. Children need to know they have a significant role to play, and that they, too, can be a part of the solution. Give them the power to believe they can, and they will.


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