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Discover Your Body’s True PotentialTM
During the time we share with our patients, we use our eyes, our hands, and our most powerful tools to optimize movement and function to tap into your body’s true potential.

What Is IPA Physio?

IPA Physio is the leader in movement medicine, continually exceeding the status quo for rehabilitation, therapy, adjustments, generic exercises, and more. Our vision is to utilize our advanced, hands-on medical training to create a movement culture and to optimize the health of our communities. We empower our patients, our clients, and our employees to experience life at its fullest!

Functional Manual Therapy® (FMT)

Your pain, injury, or limited function tells a story. The journey from its beginning to its present state reveals answers to underlying questions that can help to explain, define, and resolve your current condition.

Functional Manual Therapy® provides a framework for our physical therapists to uncover your individual story. This is a comprehensive, holistic system of patient care involving a whole body assessment, intentional hands-on treatment, and a personalized plan to accomplish your goals for more efficient function and a pain-free life. ————————————————————————————————

What is Physio?
Physical therapy is known as physiotherapy in nearly every other country in the world.

Physio Origins

Physio is the root word of physiology, meaning ‘to grow, to make life.’ It describes the processes
and functions of all (or part) of an organism, including movement, life, nature, and natural phenomena.

The Role of a Physiotherapist

A physiotherapist is a healthcare professional who manages and treats the movement systems of the body. In the United States, physiotherapy is synonymous with physical therapy.

The American Physical Therapy Association’s (APTA) vision statement for the profession is, “Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.”

IPA’s Physiotherapy

At IPA Physio, we provide above and beyond services in rehabilitation, therapy, adjustments, and more. Our vision is to utilize our advanced, hands-on medical training to grow and optimize the health of our communities. We empower our patients, our clients, and our employees to live life to its fullest!

The foundation of IPA Physio is Functional Manual Therapy®. During the time we share with our patients, we use our eyes, our hands, and our most powerful tools to optimize movement and function. In addition, we equip patients with exercises and movement strategies to continue these improvements in conjunction with treatment. We’re mindful not to waste time in the clinic with unnecessary equipment or exercises; instead, we focus on the precise prescription your body needs, at the exact time it needs it.

Physio Around the Globe

Throughout many parts of the world, physiotherapists have historically been utilized as primary care providers for conditions relating to the muscular, skeletal, and neurological systems. In these societies, physiotherapists are considered the leading experts in using their hands to assess and treat impairments.

In America, all fifty states now have some sort of direct access to physical therapy. The medical community is beginning to recognize the benefits of this early opportunity for physical therapy care, and patients are beginning to experience the benefits and breadth of hands-on physical therapy interventions. ————————————————————————————————

Functional Manual Therapy®
Our Functional Manual Therapy® (FMT) program is specially tailored to meet your individual needs.

The IPA Physio FMT Approach

Functional Manual Therapy® is a systematic and scientifically-rooted full body approach, integrating all aspects of physical function, nutrition, and lifestyle education. At IPA Physio, our goal is to utilize FMT to enhance your life in a way that not only eliminates pain or infirmity, but allows you to discover your optimal state of physical performance and function.

What is FMT?

Our treatment system is as fun as it is successful. Together, we’ll explore all the systems of your body to uncover what’s working well and what has untapped potential. We’re here to help you achieve total optimum function, resolving your pain or limitation while revealing your body’s hidden abilities.
Through this process, we’ll address the interrelation between:

  • Mechanical Capacity

  • Neuromuscular Function

  • Motor Control

    Restoring efficiency to these interconnected systems will result in a body that operates its best during work, rest, and recreation.

    The FMT Difference
    1. Life-changing: When your body’s healing is a priority, you’ll see positive changes to your whole life!
    2. Patient-oriented: Our sole purpose is to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.
    3. Function-based: Focusing on symptoms can eliminate pain in the short-term, but it’s likely that pain will resurface. By focusing on function, you can eliminate pain and reduce the likelihood of its return.
    4. Integrated approach: We’re not interested in trending treatments or the latest fads; we’re here to offer you a full body approach, integrating all aspects of physical function, nutrition, and lifestyle education.
    5. Optimizing health: According to the World Health Organization, health is ‘a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ At IPA Physio, we use Functional Manual Therapy® to do both -- eliminating pain and promoting optimal health.
    6. CoreFirst® Strategies: We offer posture and movement training tailored to meet your needs.

    Unsurpassed Expertise

    All of our physical therapists have earned the designation Certified in Functional Manual Therapy® (CFMT), meaning they’ve mastered 250 hours of post-doctoral material. To accomplish this, they often take the courses two to three times, dedicating more than 700 hours to the hands-on, lab-intensive content. For perspective, this volume of continuing education is what an average physical therapist would complete in an entire career (averaging 30 hours every two years).

    Many CFMTs have also completed an FMT residency and fellowship program, adding hundreds of additional hours of direct mentorship from the top physical therapists in the country. To achieve their designation, each CFMT has passed the rigorous week-long certification process, demonstrating proficiency in both practical and written examinations. ————————————————————————————————

    ABOUT IPA PHYSIO: ONE-ON-ONE APPROACH One-On-One Treatment Sessions

We treat the source of the issue, allowing you to experience a body that works.

Our Belief

Every person has untapped potential in their body. We believe advanced physical therapists, those trained in Functional Manual Therapy®, are the most equipped medical professionals to discover your potential and get you a body that works.

IPA Physio Treatments

We offer treatments with an advanced physical therapist who is trained in Functional Manual Therapy®, and who can provide highly skilled interventions you cannot perform on your own. You’ll have the opportunity to to participate in one-on-one sessions, each focusing on individualized patient education and instruction for home exercise programs.

Our Role

Our therapist’s role is to first identify the underlying cause of the clinical symptoms. From there, they’ll work with the patient to develop and implement a personalized treatment program, including state-of-the- art manual therapy, body mechanic training, and exercise.

Your Role

The patient’s role is to commit a hundred percent to the program. This involves performing exercises, applying what you’re taught about body mechanics, and providing accurate feedback about your progress. Your rehabilitation and return to an active lifestyle is truly a team effort!


Our clinics are dedicated to providing the best care for each of our patients, demonstrated through our therapist’s willingness and commitment to working as a team. This environment of team-based treatment allows for input from multiple providers to ensure nothing is missed. At IPA Physio, our clinicians will do whatever it takes to guarantee you get the care you deserve.

Patient Managers

Since a large number of our patients come to us directly without a referral from a doctor, our physical therapists often serve as managers for your medical care. As your healthcare advocate, we will refer you to other medical professionals when necessary, and we will help guide you in finding the absolute best practitioner for your specific needs. ————————————————————————————————


IPA Physio Treatments

What is preventing you from reaching your potential?
Let IPA Physio’s functional mobilization restore your mechanical capacity.

“Our comprehensive approach allows our highly trained physical therapists to assess and treat almost any pain or physical limitation. If you do not see your specific issue on this list, please contact your local clinic to discuss the likelihood Functional Manual Therapy® would be beneficial for you.” ————————————————————————————————

Athletic Enhancement
Functional Manual Therapy® provides the tools to look beyond your body’s current performance, and taps into more effective strategies to help you perform better than you even thought was possible.

Sports Training Evolved

When you combine increased ease of motion and enhanced movement strategies, you’ll find incredible improvements in your athletic abilities! The FMT approach focuses on treating the body for optimal performance, well beyond what you even considered possible. Discover Your Body’s True PotentialTM at

IPA Physio! Next Level Performance

Research shows specific posture and core strengthening programs can and will improve sports performance. When our athletic patients come into the clinic, they’re typically not dealing with pain or symptoms -- they simply have a desire to perform better. We begin by analyzing movement and localizing inefficiencies for any sport or recreational activity, and then we provide hands-on interventions to increase mobility and retrain the brain to move with improved ease. We also prescribe individualized exercise programs to target these dysfunctions and ensure long-term results.

Movement Made Easy

Throughout our adolescence and adult life, we tend to establish less effective habits, movement strategies, and thought processes. These may occur due to incorrect teaching or coaching, or even through compensations our body develops as it heals. In fact, our brain is so good at compensating, we can fail to remember a time we completed these tasks much more efficiently.

Following their treatment sessions, our patients consistently report they’d forgotten how easily their body was once able to perform certain movements. They’re surprised to find someone who not only restored this ease so quickly, but who gave them the ability to perform pain-free! ————————————————————————————————

Love and value your body by choosing the experts at IPA Physio to manage your rehabilitation for both complex and simple problems.

Scheduled for Surgery?

We encourage you not to wait until after surgery to start physical therapy or rehabilitation! Research confirms pre-habilitation is extremely important for attaining successful surgical outcomes and shortening your recovery time. Learn more about our Prehabilitation services.


The rehabilitation experience at IPA Physio is designed to maximize the potential outcomes for our patients. Whether you’re recovering from a recent back strain, a knee surgery, vertigo or chronic headaches after a neck injury, or any other ailment that has changed your day-to-day life, our rehabilitation program will be tailored to your lifestyle and individual goals.

The Rehabilitation Experts

Our clinics are continually sought out by individuals who’ve failed conservative rehabilitation in other physical therapy or chiropractic clinics, or who’ve suffered through unsuccessful surgeries. Those patients who come to us following failed rehabilitation or surgery often say they wish they’d known about IPA Physio sooner, so they could’ve been with our CFMT experts from the very beginning.

Your Body = Your Choice

Even if your doctor does not directly refer you to IPA Physio, you have the legal right as a patient to choose your provider for physical therapy. Research has repeatedly shown patients receive better care and better outcomes when receiving treatment from a clinic where the physician does not have a vested financial interest. IPA Physio is fully PT-owned, and we do not refer to our locations based on financial incentives. You can be confident your health is our number one priority! ————————————————————————————————

Injury Prevention
We’re moving medicine forward from reactive to proactive care. Learn about how IPA Physio can help you become more proactive with your own body!

Keeping Yourself in Tune

The human body is a machine, and ensuring all parts are working well individually and collectively is critical to its optimal performance. Most people don’t think twice about performing regular tune-ups on their vehicle, like changing the oil or rotating the tires. We like to think of these recommended practices as maintenance, but in actuality, the motive is prevention. By keeping your car running as healthy as possible, you’re helping to prevent breakdown within your vehicle’s thousands of moving parts.

Taking care of your body is very much like taking care of your car, but with two main exceptions:

  1. Unlike a car, you can’t buy a new body when yours fails!

  2. A ‘quick fix’ option can sometimes solve a car problem, but the same is not true for the human

    body. Research demonstrates that in many cases, the surgeries and medications people receive for pain and trauma are associated with dangerous risks and life-threatening side effects, and are often less effective than physical therapy and lifestyle changes in the long-term!

Efficient Movement as Medicine – The FMT Philosophy

Our goal is to assess your body’s mobility, strength, and movements to uncover any likely causes of future degeneration or injury. Our treatments for injury prevention include an in-depth analysis of your movement, hands-on treatment to enhance this movement, education on body mechanics using CoreFirst® Strategies, and instruction on a highly-personalized exercise program to improve on limitations and identify weaknesses.

Prevention at the Speed of Life

Most injuries can be prevented. Depending on your profession or lifestyle, how you move throughout the day will determine your risk of injury. Sometimes, it’s actually a very simple fix incorporated into your day- to-day that will not only prevent pain and injury, but also make major improvements in your overall health.

Don’t Go for the Quick Fix

Check out this article in Time Magazine highlighting the failure of our ‘quick fix’ culture. Dr. Machado, Chairman of the Neurological Institute at Cleveland Clinic, calls for insisting on physical therapy as the integral component for treating pain and solving the U.S. opioid epidemic! ————————————————————————————————

Do you want a successful surgery? Studies show that receiving advanced physical therapy for prehabilitation improves your odds of a successful surgical outcome.

Proactive with a Purpose

Sometimes, the body is unable to heal on its own due to too much stress or tissue breakdown from repetitive activities or a specific trauma. In these instances, surgery may be the best or only option for pain relief and recovery. Still, we believe our physical therapy skills allow for so much more than recovery after surgery.

Prehabilitation (or prehab) at IPA Physio is not just a set exercise program. It is an entirely new way to look at the body and to prepare its systems for surgery, thus improving the odds of optimal long-term outcomes.

Essentials Prior to Surgery

Prehabilitation can be applied to individuals in the offseason preparing for a sport or activity (see Injury Prevention page), specifically those awaiting orthopaedic surgery. The more conditioned the body is prior to surgery, the better it will perform and recover afterwards.

At IPA Physio, your prehab begins with an in-depth, full body movement and strength analysis to identify problematic and dysfunctional areas. We then work with you to develop a program aimed at maximizing function around the surgical area and throughout your entire system. This approach helps to ensure your post-surgical success.

IPA Physio’s prehab program uses our FMT foundation to improve core and regional strength, coordination, proprioception, and stabilization of the problematic area to enhance its relationship to the rest of the body. Areas of patient-specific, hands-on treatment include:

  • Soft Tissue Mobilization: Enhance mobility

  • Functional Movement Patterns: Range of motion and movement activities

  • PNF Techniques: Optimize stabilization, proprioception, balance, and strength

  • CoreFirst Strategies®: Optimize your posture and movement strategies

    Prehabilitation Proved

    Studies consistently show prehabilitation is extremely valuable in attaining a successful surgical outcome. Here are just a few examples:

    Knee ACL Repair Surgery: You might have what is known as a ‘quadriceps lag’ — that is, when you try to raise your leg straight in the air, you can’t control the knee and your leg bends slightly. Research shows that improving this condition before surgery leads to better outcomes after surgery.

    Total Knee Replacement: If you’re looking to get back to activities quickly after a total knee replacement, strengthening is essential prior to surgery.

    General Surgery: Even if you’re scheduled for a general surgery, prehabilitation can drastically improve your physical function afterwards and increase your odds of a high-functioning life! ————————————————————————————————

    Contact Us
    Let us help you optimize your body’s function and movement!

    This could be a life-changing moment...
    Whether you’re looking for more information or you have company-related questions, IPA Physio would be more than happy to assist you with any inquiries. Be sure to contact us today!

    Testimonials are always greatly appreciated, as well. Pending a quick review process, we’d love to feature your life-changing story for everyone to see! ————————————————————————————————————————————

    Restore Your Function and Mobility
    Let our team help you Discover Your Body’s True PotentialTM. Get started with us today!

    This could be a life changing moment...

    We try our best to make the IPA Physio experience a pleasant one, because we know how nerve-racking a physical therapy session can be. Here are all of the documents and intake forms you’ll need for your first session with us.

Please complete each form in full, signing where necessary. Then, feel free to email or fax these documents to our office, or simply bring them with you to your first appointment: ————————————————————————————————

Motor Control
Just because your body has mobility and muscle function, does not mean you will automatically begin sleeping, standing, sitting, or moving in a way that supports the health of your tissues and allows you to function efficiently.

Optimal Posture and Alignment

Many of us have never had ‘good posture,’ nor have we moved in optimal ways. Complete rehabilitation and prevention requires training you to have optimum posture, which supports CoreFirstTM Strategies for your daily activities. This training, known as motor learning, helps ensure you have effective motor control -- that is, the brain’s ability to automatically (without thought or effort) control your physical actions.

When learning a sport, you need to be sure you have the necessary flexibility and strength. From there, you can begin the ongoing process of breaking down the sport into small movements, and then slowly put these movements together. Living with physical efficiency is the most important sport you will ever play.

Motor Control Training is the Most Critical Aspect of Your Care

This is where you take responsibility. We can mobilize, exercise, and help facilitate a more efficient body, but only you can maintain and manage how your body moves and functions.

IPA’s CoreFirstTM Training

As your mobility and neuromuscular function improve, we’ll teach you new postures, movement strategies, and motor control exercises that ensure they become automatic. Our state-of-the-art CoreFirstTM Back Education and Training empowers each patient with the knowledge of how to best care for his or her body, develop efficient function, and prevent future injury.

This final phase of our treatment is what allows us to achieve our goal for you -- to Discover Your Body’s True PotentialTM, and to lead an active, pain-free life!


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