Morton & Mabel x Concordia Collection



The lookbook for our Concordia Collection was shot entirely at Bloomsbury Farm, located just south of Nashville city limits. The beauty of Bloomsbury is more than external, it’s woven throughout an incredible testimony of family unity and tradition. A strong admiration for the land and a deep respect for the farming profession has been passed down from several generations, and now resides within Bloomsbury’s current owner, Lauren Palmer.

Bloomsbury has an enduring commitment to sustainability, not only to the land, but also to themselves and to those in their community. Everything grown and raised on the farm is done with the utmost love and attention, reflecting their dedication to sell the best quality product they can.

Morton & Mabel shares parallel sentiments within our own production process by sourcing the finest fabrics, partnering with reputable merchants, and teaming up with local artists to create clothing you can feel good about, and your children can feel good in. ————————————————————————————————


CONCORDIA: [kon-kawr-dee-uh]
The Latin word for harmony, literally interpreted ‘with one heart.’

Morton & Mabel has drawn considerable inspiration from the farming culture of a century ago, a time when the entire family worked the land together, and largely depended on one another to survive. During the 1920s and 30s, clothing was much more utilitarian than what we’re accustomed to today.

Children living during this era wore very practical pieces, void of any bows or frills that might get in the way of their responsibilities on the farm. The simplicity of their clothing left room for active imaginations, and it allowed for the children themselves to be the point of interest.

Our Concordia Collection is a proponent of this same minimal aesthetic, centered around classic, functional pieces that can be passed down from siblings or even on to future generations. Just as those children from the early 1900s drew strength and solace from their family unit, so do we acknowledge the value and significance within strong family ties.

Each piece in this collection is named after one of our founder’s close relatives, because that’s exactly where we’re rooted— in family unity and tradition, and in the harmony that exists among all members. We hope as you come to know our family, you would also feel known, discovering a common thread that runs true between our tribe and your own.


Morton & Mabel x Concordia Lookbook


Little Voices Are Loud x Hero Copy