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CDF Leadership Capital partners with local churches seeking clarity, health, and alignment, while also guiding them in fulfilling their God-given vision.

CDF Leadership Capital partners with local churches seeking spiritual clarity, health, and alignment, and creates strategies for long-term impact within their community.

CDF Leadership Capital helps local churches achieve spiritual clarity, health, and alignment, meanwhile creating custom solutions for long-term impact within their community.

CDF Leadership Capital helps churches achieve spiritual clarity, health, and alignment by creating strategies for long-term impact within their community.

CDF Leadership Capital partners with churches on their journey toward spiritual health and wholeness, providing guidance as they seek to fulfill their God-given vision.

CDF Leadership Capital partners with local churches on their journey toward spiritual health and seeing their God-given vision fulfilled.


Since 1953, the primary purpose of CDF has been to remove any existing roadblocks to church growth. At the time, that meant providing financial capital access to local churches who lacked this resource. We now recognize there are also seasons when it’s not monetary investments the church needs, but someone to step in and invest in the form of leadership support. This is why CDF designed the Leadership Capital program, a well-rounded, people-focused approach for any and all senior leaders who have a desire to see their church’s vision fully-realized.

We hold to the belief that churches are most effective and influential when their leaders are working toward improved clarity and renewed perspective; health of their people, systems, and structures; and alignment within themselves and the church itself. And that’s exactly what CDF is here to help you achieve. Our team of specialists and experts will partner with you to develop sustainable strategies and a roadmap for long-term impact, ensuring you’re moving in the direction of God’s purpose for you.

We’re eager to assist in evaluating your church’s successes, setbacks, and everything in between. We’ll join with you to reflect on where you’ve been, reevaluate where you are, and reimagine where you’re going. By taking the time to understand the DNA of your team, we can create custom solutions to equip you with an individualized plan and intentional action steps -- steps that will elevate the work your church is already doing and expand the possibilities for your future.

At CDF, we consider it an honor to come alongside you in this transformational process. Leadership Capital is an incredible opportunity for your team and congregation to receive the support they need in advancing the Kingdom and spreading the Gospel message within your community. We’ve been committed to helping churches unlock their God-given potential for more than six decades now, and we’re just getting started. We’d love to partner with you on your journey toward spiritual health and wholeness. ————————————————————————————————


We’ve been helping churches grow for more than 60 years.

At CDF Capital, we understand it’s not always financial assistance the church needs, but an investment in the form of leadership support. That’s why we’ve created the Leadership Capital program, an opportunity for us to partner with local churches on their journey toward spiritual health and wholeness. We’ll join with

you to bring clarity to your church’s vision, and create customized strategies for long-term impact within your community.

Through our people-focused approach, we’ll walk with you in reflecting on where you’ve been, reevaluating where you are, and reimagining where you’re going. In addition, we’ll provide tailored solutions to help your church move in the direction of its God-given purpose.

We hold to the belief that churches are most effective and influential when their leaders are continually looking to grow and improve. Our Leadership Capital team is committed to seeing your ministry achieve greater clarity and renewed perspective; health of its people, systems, and structures; and alignment within the leadership and the church itself. ————————————————————————————————

The Ascent offers exceptional leadership insight to ministry leaders, providing relational and conversational access to the ‘story behind the story.’ This approach has distinguished itself from other leadership gatherings, in that it helps to maximize transparency and the potential for learning.

With the Ascent, you’ll develop impactful relationships with a small group of senior leaders, meeting together three times over the course of a year. You’ll come to know the Guide within your small group, who will personally invest in you through intentional dialogue and accountability of action. And you’ll engage in critical conversations with three high-level national leaders, often diving into aspects of leadership you won’t find anywhere else.


PDP allows us to help churches capitalize on one of their most valuable assets: people. The core of PDP lies within the ProScan Survey, which delivers comprehensive reporting to measure, map, and mine your team’s potential. ProScan provides insight into the specific ways your team members operate, revealing information like motivators and communication style.

TeamScan can then translate this perspective from individuals to entire teams, giving you a broad picture of how your group will function. Lastly, JobScan will ensure you find the right person for the right role, by assessing your current needs and determining who will best address those.

Blue Sky

The Blue Sky Session helps to achieve greater clarity around a church’s story and vision. The first session involves the Project Team, a cross-functional task force who oversees building projects from inception through to completion. This team will attempt to uncover details and perspective from the church’s history that will ultimately help to shape its future.

From there, the second session is spent guiding the church's Directional Team through a conversation on vision clarity. We’ll draw out the deeply-rooted mission and values of the church, and condense these into a word or phrase that can encompass their vision for the next ministry season. ————————————————————————————————


Over the last ten years, multisite has established itself as a vital strategy for church growth. Our experts have been there since the very beginning of this movement, practicing and studying so you can take full advantage of their knowledge and skill. If your church is considering its first multisite effort, or if you need coaching on how to make your existing multisite more effective, we’re here to help.

CDF Capital is uniquely positioned to support you through every phase. We specialize in facilitating a thorough planning process, assisting with execution and launch of new sites, advising on the best organizational structure for your growing team, and much more. ————————————————————————————————


The CDF Leadership Capital Vision Campaign is unlike anything else being offered in the current marketplace. Here are the seven key components that set us apart from other traditional campaigns:

  • Vision-driven: Where building campaigns focus on physical outcomes, the Vision Campaign rallies the church around a central vision. This may include some physical elements, but only as a means to accomplishing an even greater goal.

  • Segmented communication approach: This strategy tailors communication to each unique group within the church. In turn, ministry leaders can message and vision cast to specific segments of the congregation more effectively.

  • Focused campaign lengths: Because today’s donors are subject to greater levels of financial insecurity than previous generations, shortened campaign lengths bring about better participation and higher fulfillment.

  • The Eleventh Percent: While we believe the financial goals of a campaign are very important, we feel teaching true generosity apart from percentage giving is equally as important. We love when donors can experience the freedom found in living out of a place of both obedience and generosity.

  • Capacity screening: Capacity screening allows ministries to better understand their current environment, and then actively live within that space. Acknowledging capacity reality lets leaders set appropriate goals and expectations for the VC and the church members themselves.

  • Legacy giving: In contrast to campaigns focused solely on how much can be raised, the CDF-LC VC partners with Co:Mission to encourage legacy giving. This holistic approach allows donors to evaluate current and future support of the church.

  • Value: By keeping campaign costs low, we can help to maximize the funds raised to further your church’s vision. We offer competitive pricing structures and effective coaching models, designed to train and empower ministry leaders to run present and prospective campaigns.



    Every weekend, your church hosts worship services that help people of all ages meet, engage, and encounter Jesus together. These services are often the first step visitors take in connecting with your ministry, which will either make them feel compelled to return or give them reasons not to.

    CDF Leadership Capital has a multitude of assessment tools that will allow your church to better understand and refine the initial experience for its guests. Our team can support you in identifying the gaps and alignment issues that may be reducing the likelihood that visitors return. ————————————————————————————————


    The State of the Church is a customizable survey that provides deep insight into the demographic, psychographic, spiritual maturity, engagement, and behaviors of your congregation. This tool utilizes a small, in-service paper survey in conjunction with a larger online survey, and delivers information to measure your effectiveness in the lives of your members today, while discerning God’s voice for tomorrow.

    In addition, we offer a comprehensive analysis and summary on how to interpret both the data and the narrative feedback. These resources allow the State of the Church to move beyond implications and observations, and onto suggesting next steps for fulfilling your church’s vision.


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